03 The read/write web
I ran across this photo while in the midst of looking for one that represents "success", and thought this was too appropriate to pass up.
Not nearly daily thoughts that occur to me as I read, peruse, design, teach workshops and courses about using technology in an educational or informational setting. Check it out to see what I mean.
I ran across this photo while in the midst of looking for one that represents "success", and thought this was too appropriate to pass up.
Technology is appreciated but is only useful when combined with an instructor who connects with students.
Linda Meccouri, PhD
curriculum should include alternatives to make it accessible and appropriate for individuals with different backgrounds, learning styles, abilities, and disabilities in widely varied learning contexts.
Amy Havel, Southern Maine Community College
Yellow Arrow is called a M.A.A.P. (Massively authored Artist Presentation)because it is made from the ground up by people around the world. By becoming a Yellow Arrow MAAPmaker, you join an exciting new inititative to re-chart the globe by publishing its most unique attractions and curiosities.
As a MAAPmaker you assume a tagname and claim your own gallery space that showcased your texts, maps, and pictures. In addition, your personal Arrow Journal contains your thoughts and experiences, and provides a place where friends in the community will respond. Yellow Arrow extends beyond the web too. Excellent arrows and projects are exhibited in glaaeries, books, newspapares, and museums. Get published!
Session 2 from the Middlesex Carnegie Summer Institute. I forgot to mention that the theme of the Institute is We're Teaching but are our Students Learning?
I'm at the Middlesex Carnegie Summer Institute & New England Faculty Development Consortium, which is being held at the Middlesex Community College's Lowell campus. Right now am running on a wireless connection which I hope continue to maintain its signal strength.