TLT Consulting: Teaching, Learning, and Technology, Putting the Pieces together

Not nearly daily thoughts that occur to me as I read, peruse, design, teach workshops and courses about using technology in an educational or informational setting. Check it out to see what I mean.

02 June 2006

Using Teaching and Learning to Integrate Immigrant Students into the College Community

Session 2 from the Middlesex Carnegie Summer Institute. I forgot to mention that the theme of the Institute is We're Teaching but are our Students Learning?

Presenter for this session is Dr. Li Li, History dept, from Salem State College.
Language Intensive Interdisciplinary Program (LIIP)
Program Philosophy:
We believe that education is political and tht our mssion is to prepare students to be active participants and agents of change in a democratic society.

Objectives are to create a common teaching and learning experience. This involves students' active participation and collaboration in learning process, the building of a learning community, and of course, faculty cooperation. Faculty must have a willingness to use innovative teaching methods.

Students are freshmen whose native language is not English. The goal in to integrate LIIP into the college community. Students serve as mentors in their second year, at least one for each class. They hold study sessions.
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