Seeing Meaning Everywhere Now: Using Found Literature
Amy Havel, Southern Maine Community College
Session 3 from the Middlesex Carnegie Summer Institute.
Found literature: real articles that are "found" by others and then used as a source to interpret meaning and then write about, using a list of questions provided in class.
Amy introduced the session by saying that this is her first presentation and to be kind to her. She got folks on her side immeditately and proceeded with the session with great enthusiasm. Attendees constantly chuckling as Amy described her work with her students. Fun assignments.
Amy talked about how she emphasizes to students that they are now in an era where it is important what they think about what things mean. It is NOT just what the instructor or faculty person says that is the ultimate truth (my words). amy also mentioned how she is really low-tech -- she handed out paper handouts and had nothing to project.
This immediately made me think about how the web trend with its openness and participatory nature of the applications being developed lends itself perfectly to the kind of work Amy is doing. I was reminded of the Yellow Arrow project.
You've got to check this out, as it is a worlwide collaborative digital project using text messaging. From the YA website:
Yellow Arrow is called a M.A.A.P. (Massively authored Artist Presentation)because it is made from the ground up by people around the world. By becoming a Yellow Arrow MAAPmaker, you join an exciting new inititative to re-chart the globe by publishing its most unique attractions and curiosities.
As a MAAPmaker you assume a tagname and claim your own gallery space that showcased your texts, maps, and pictures. In addition, your personal Arrow Journal contains your thoughts and experiences, and provides a place where friends in the community will respond. Yellow Arrow extends beyond the web too. Excellent arrows and projects are exhibited in glaaeries, books, newspapares, and museums. Get published!
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