TLT Consulting: Teaching, Learning, and Technology, Putting the Pieces together

Not nearly daily thoughts that occur to me as I read, peruse, design, teach workshops and courses about using technology in an educational or informational setting. Check it out to see what I mean.

30 March 2007

YouTube - My online learning community

YouTube - My online learning community

This video was submitted to students in the pedagogy course I am currently teaching. My student discovered the video in YouTube and posted it in our course after submitting a text response about the nature of the learning community that our course was providing her.


19 March 2007

One of the students in the course I am currently teaching in Instructional Design at the Marlboro College Graduate Center just discovered the following video on YouTube and posted in our course for view/review.

This is one of those examples of the powerful and educative materials that are being created by us all.

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16 March 2007

Amazing FooBar Poster

Amazing FooBar Poster
Originally uploaded by Orli Yakuel.
great example of the power of adding notes to flickr. Be sure to mouse-over the photo for the clickable areas.


13 March 2007

Mashups are not Potatoes: Implementing Powerful Web 2.0 Tools

I am finally back to making an entry in my blog. I just can't get here on any kind of regular basis, although it is not because I don't have things running through my brain. I guess it is one of those tasks that I don't yet make room for. I spend most of my time reading messages from my listservs, and from the RSS-generated list of resources that I set up in Google based on specific search criteria.

In any event, I am preparing for a presentation, the title of which is listed at the beginning of this post, for the NERCOMP 2007 conference, Worcester, MA. After the conference session, which is Tuesday, March 20, from 4:30 - 5:20 PM, you should be able to check out any notes made by attendees after the presentation.

The primary reason that this might not be successful is that there is no internet access for attendees during the session itself. This is too bad because it will definitely impact the immediacy and the power of this collaborative tool. Oh well.


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