TLT Consulting: Teaching, Learning, and Technology, Putting the Pieces together

Not nearly daily thoughts that occur to me as I read, peruse, design, teach workshops and courses about using technology in an educational or informational setting. Check it out to see what I mean.

10 May 2007

Everything is Miscellaneous

I have just started reading David Weinberger's newest book, Everything is Miscellaneous: The power of the new digital disorder, and I was struck (again) by the enormity of the change in which we are in the midst.

Weinberger explains in some detail the task that the Library of Congress professionals face as they must catalog seven thousand new books a day. Weinberger goes on to say:

The Washington Post estimates that seven million pages are added to the web every day. Search on Google for "Amercian History", which is just one Library of Congress subheading, and you'll get 750 million Web pages — about twenty-six times the number of books in the Library's entire book collection.

But the online image-sharing application, Flickr, has more than 225 million photos already uploaded by users and almost a million are added every single day.

Now it is us, the people, who make sense of all of what Weinberger calls the "miscellaneous". We can arrange whatever photos into whatever order we want, and then change that order whenever we need. We add our own categories, based on what makes sense to us.

It is this, the miscellaneous order that Weinberger says, "is changing how we think the world itself is organized and — perhaps more important — who we think has the authority to tell us so."


Doug Johnson's Blue Skunk Blog - Blue Skunk Blog - Virtual Tinkertoys

Doug Johnson refers to technology tools that allow one to create things instead of just using them as "Tinkertoy software.

I remember Tinkertoys from when I was a kid and I think the analogy is perfect. The direction that web 2.0 tools are taking us is clearly in the direction of "Tinkertoys" and I am all for it. Let us create, collaborate, communicate. It's about the connections we make (check out George Siemens learning theory of Connectivism) and what we understand of the information (and artifacts) that we assemble.

08 May 2007

2 Cents Worth � 80% with a Second Life

I keep on meaning to get back into SL to do some more exploring, but I don't seem to make it. I haven't even finished a first go-round on my appearance yet (we all know how important that is ;-)

The concept intrigues me, but how does it go, so many tools, so little time. At least if one wants to have a life offline, never mind inworld.

03 May 2007

Power of Collaboration

In putting together the course I am teaching this term on Facilitating Online Collaborative Learning at the Marlboro College Graduate Center in VT, I ran across this video that illustrated to me, the power of collaboration when combined with technology.

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