TLT Consulting: Teaching, Learning, and Technology, Putting the Pieces together

Not nearly daily thoughts that occur to me as I read, peruse, design, teach workshops and courses about using technology in an educational or informational setting. Check it out to see what I mean.

17 August 2006


I've subscribed to the jkOnTheRun blog and find his writings about mobile technology quite interesting. Instead of subscribing via RSS, I decided to sign up for his email updates, which come directly to my mail inbox. This works so much better for me since I have so many sites that I have subscribed to via my bloglines account, that I don't regularly get there. Plus, I really like the convenience of something coming dorectly to me, rather than me needing to go to the bloglines account and then read everything that is new. which is always many more items than I can possibly get through if I want to get anything done beyond read through the new itmes in my bloglines account.

Anyway, while he often covers topics that are more technical than I care to know about, he regularly talks about the upcoming releases, for example Microsoft's Vista and OneNote.

Since I have only recently purchased my Lenovo tablet, I am quite interested in figuring out the best tips on using it as well as what is going on in the whole mobile tech arena.


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