TLT Consulting: Teaching, Learning, and Technology, Putting the Pieces together

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05 May 2006

Modifying WordPress templates

Once again CogDogBlog gives me information that is exactly what I need. I have playing, as of late, with a blog that I have created for a new course I will be teaching. I have used Blogger for about three years now, and wanted to try WordPress to experiment with something different. I found a template I like, but couldn't figure out how to get into the template to play around with the sidebar. So even though I liked WP, in the interest of time I abandoned it in favor of Blogger.

And so, here is Alan to the rescue, with timely information that will hopefully let me go back to playing with WP. Like Alan, I had also chosen the Blix template as the one that I liked the best and wanted to tinker with.

Hopefully once my class gets going (and I think I'm going to have more time then???) I can get back to it. More to come...


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