TLT Consulting: Teaching, Learning, and Technology, Putting the Pieces together

Not nearly daily thoughts that occur to me as I read, peruse, design, teach workshops and courses about using technology in an educational or informational setting. Check it out to see what I mean.

04 May 2006

A mashup by any other name

In an Educause article on using social software tools in academia is the following paragraph:

Some emerging trends in social software are worth keeping an eye on. The first is the addition of geographic information system (GIS) data that allows the social software sites to introduce an aspect of physical space. Plazes, for example, is a social networking site that adds another dimension by marking the GIS location of each user when they post and asking them to provide a picture and other information. This could expand the possibilities for education in social networking sites tremendously. Imagine, for example, instructing each student in a German class to explore a small part of Berlin. Students can peruse pictures and information about each public building, restaurant, bookstore, and other feature in their assigned areas as they move along the street. Furthermore, users can speak with people attached to these places, such as the owner of a bookstore or a frequent diner at a local restaurant. Before they leave home, students heading abroad can begin exploring the area surrounding the place where they will be living and the people who have provided the information.

This sounds like a useful activity; I think I'll try it and see how it goes.


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